Autumn 2023-Summer 2024: host Kellogg College Centre for Creative Writing seminars: Jane Draycot, 25th October; Malachi McIntosh, 23rd November; Camille Ralphs, 8th May
February 2020: write final post for (farewell from jtns) - which becomes a self-contained born-digital work about the past ten years of my life - Thursday 20th February
August 2018: talk: Self-explanatory, Saskatchewan Lecture Theatre, Exeter College, Monday 6th August
July/August 2018: teaching Developing as a Creative Writer at the Creative Writing Summer School, Exeter College, Sunday 22nd July-Saturday 11th August
April 2018: attended LIBER Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group meeting, KB National Library of the Netherlands, The Hague, Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th April
August 2017: talk: Digital Revolutions in Creative Writing, Saskatchewan Lecture Theatre, Exeter College, Wednesday 2nd August
July/August 2017: teaching Developing as a Creative Writer at the Creative Writing Summer School, Exeter College, Sunday 23rd July-Saturday 12th August
June 2017: talk: Copyright and Library Essentials for ContEd Tutors; University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education, Ewert House, Oxford
April 2017: talk: Micropublishing, teaching, digital research: different worlds, or all in a day's work for the (future) librarian? CILIP South Member Network AGM & CILIP Thames Valley AGM, The Jam Factory, Oxford, Thursday 6th April
March 2017: Facing the Strange Oxford launch party, Blackwell's, 7 pm, Thursday 16th March: drinks, music and video readings
February 2017: Facing the Strange, a fine first novel by SB Sweeney, officially published by StreetBooks, Thursday 9th February
October 2016: restructured Bodleian Libraries posts start, 1st October: Operations Manager, Sackler, Taylor Institution and Oriental Institute Libraries; Librarian and Subject Consultant (Latin American History and Social Sciences), Bodleian Latin American Centre Library
August 2016: talk: Digital Innovations and the Creative Writer, Saskatchewan Lecture Theatre, Exeter College, Tuesday 2nd August
July/August 2016: teaching Developing as a Creative Writer at the Creative Writing Summer School, Exeter College, Sunday 24th July-Saturday 13th August
September 2015: led Doing the Police in Different Voices event at University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education Open Day, Friday 26th September
September 2015: chaired first event of the Latin American Centre's 50th anniversary weekend: Latin American Gems in the Bodleian Collection: Ancient Mesoamerican Manuscripts, Friday 18th September, Weston Library
September 2015: editing of life-writing work completed - formerly entitled Trust: A family story, now called I Am the Man Who Lives in a Shoe
July 2015: teaching Oxford University Summer School, Developing as a Creative Writer, Exeter College, Sunday 26th July-Saturday 15th August
Spring/Summer 2015: step down as secretary of Academic Library Services Strategy Group (ALSSG); join The Oxford Centre in the Humanities (TORCH) Digital Humanities Steering Group and the Research Data Management Delivery Group
April 2015: an introduction to published
Spring 2015: Issue No 12 (2014) of the Anuario Americanista Europeo published: Ciencias sociales y humanidades digitales en los estudios latinoamericanos (Consejo de Redacci n: English abstracts)
May 2014: corrected reprint of Margaret Keeping's A Conscious Englishman published by StreetBooks: '[Margaret Keeping's] inhabitation of Edward, Robert, Helen and their world is tender and subtle...A lovely novel.' Robert Macfarlane
Spring 2013: teaching commitments as Winter 2012 with addition of: Assessor for the University of Oxford Certificate of Higher Education, Creative Writing
February 2013: SteetBooks will publish A Conscious Englishman by Margaret Keeping, a novel about the First World War poet, Edward Thomas, on Thursday 7th February (ISBN 978-0-9564242-3-5, 9.99)
August/September 2012: Took part in JISC-funded University of Oxford Sesame project, sourcing, evaluating, describing and classifying Open Educational Resources in Creative Writing
August 2012: reading at Saskatchewan Lecture Theatre, Exeter College, Oxford, Friday 10th August
May 2012: attending Latin American Studies Association XXX International Congress, San Francisco
November 2011: appointed secretary to the Bodleian Libraries' Research and Learning Services Strategy Group [subsequently Academic Library Services Strategy Group]
August 2011: talk on Small Presses, Print on Demand and Kindle, followed by reading from Invisible, Saskatchewan Lecture Theatre, Exeter College, Oxford, Wednesday 3rd August
January 2011: Invisible and StreetBooks featured in The Oxford Writer
November 2010: attending Anchor Book Club discussion of Invisible, Wednesday 24th November
November 2010: talking to Writers in Oxford, Victoria Arms, Old Marston, Wednesday 3rd November, 7.30 pm: Bespoke publishing: the way forward?
October 2010: StreetBooks edition of Invisible to be published on Thursday 28th October (ISBN 978-0-9564242-0-4)
October 2010: appearing on BBC Oxford's Jo in the Afternoon programme: talking about StreetBooks, Invisible and my 'life journey', Thursday 21st October, 1.15 pm
October 2010: attending Latin American Studies Association XXIX International Congress, Toronto, Canada, Wednesday 6th-Saturday 9th October
October 2010: Blackwell stocks StreetBooks edition of Invisible, Monday 4th October
September 2009: read Landscapes at Blackwell's MSt launch: a really lovely evening of readings; so much talent, energy and dedication. Thank you!
August 2009: appointed Latin American Studies Librarian and Subject Consultant, 11th August
August 2009: I'll be reading from Invisible at the University of Oxford Creative Writing Summer School at Exeter College on Monday 10th August at 11.15 am
April 2009: I'll be reading from Invisible at World Writers at Blackwell UK, Blackwell's bookshop, Broad Street, Oxford on Wednesday 1st April between 1.00 and 2.30 pm, Oxford's New Voices at Borders bookshop, Magdalen Street on Friday 3rd April at 6.00 pm (first up at that event) and the Writers in Oxford Book Fair, Corner Club, Turl Street on Saturday 4th April -- reading at 2.30 pm
February 2009: Official launch of Invisible 19th February
August 2008: astonished to receive an Oxford University Library Services Merit Award for my work at the Latin American Centre Library. Thanks so much, Amanda!
May 2008: take over as Chair of Writers in Oxford, Wednesday 14th May
April 2008: leading workshop entitled Different Places, Different Lives: the Scotland-Africa connection at the Oxford University Master of Studies in Creative Writing Cultural Diversity Residency, Monday 28th April
NEWS: Chair of Writers in Oxford ... I'll be taking over from Julie Summers in May ... (Thanks Julie for everything you do for WiO ... You will be a hard act to follow!)
April 2008: taking part in Local Voices at Borders, Oxford as part of Oxfringe 2008 on Wednesday 2nd April from 6.30 pm. I'll also be reading from Invisible at Blackwell's, Oxford on Monday 31st March and Friday 4th April between 1.00 and 2.30 pm
January 2008: teaching fiction on the Oxford University Diploma in Creative Writing and WISC (Washington International Studies Council) programmes
October 2007: I read an extract from a non-fiction piece about the death of the government scientist, Dr David Kelly, and Harrowdown Hill, Oxfordshire, at Blackwell's bookshop, Broad Street, Oxford on 2nd October as part of the World Writers 10 event
August 2007: The Lock has just been featured on an excellent blog called Middle of Nowhwere (see post entitled Inning and Outing). Anyone who enjoys stories about nature, the countryside and human interest should visit this blog!
June 2007: If you'd like to read an interview with me, click on the .pdf Arvon Foundation Interview link on my Welcome page
June 2007: I read from Invisible at the Oxford University Undergraduate Diploma in Creative Writing Summer School at Kellogg College, Oxford on 25th June
June 2007: I read from The Lock at Blackwell's bookshop, Broad Street, Oxford on 7th June as part of the World Writers 9 event. This was led by two terrific poets, Grevel Lindop and Don Share, and featured readings from local authors. There will be another World Writers event on 2nd October (contact Blackwell's for details)
March 2007: Julie Summers (chair of Writers in Oxford) and I again organised introducers for the Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival, which was held at Christ Church College, Oxford from Tuesday 20th to Sunday 25th March (click here for Festival Site). UPDATE: I also read from Invisible at Blackwell's bookshop, Broad Street, Oxford on Thursday 22nd March 2007 (12.30-1.30 pm and 5-8 pm) and Sunday 25th March 2007 (12.30-1.30 pm) as part of the Oxfringe On the Fringe events at the Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival (see Oxfringe On the Fringe for details)
THERAPY: for a transcript of my talk at Oxford's QI Club on 15th February 2007, see Talks. The event focused on key themes in Invisible and was entitled: "'So, what's it all about, Doc?' Writing Therapy -- a discussion of writing as therapy for writers and characters, and writing therapy as a narrative device..."
Lock LATEST, January 2007: a new edition of The Lock has recently been published by Smaller Sky (email for details)
SAMPLE REVIEW: Thirteen Moons by Charles Frazier (as featured in Times Books and Times Online Books Bulletin for November 2006)